Saturday 29 October 2011

A vintage day out

I started off at the vintage kilo sale run by Judy's affordable vintage fair where i found many treats including these amazing polkadot flared dungarees, 70s bright green print cotton dress, super sweet shift with white collar and 70s lined jersey dress with wide collar. Oh and this copacabana style top and floral skirt will no doubt provide some fun outfits. I must say as it was my first kilo sale, it was quite an experience....whilst there are of course treats to be found, there is also A LOT of terrible items that you just watch people bundle into their bags without really thinking. This makes me just a little sad because all this terrible vintage could be re used and made into something much better rather than sold amongst all the truly good stuff to people not understanding vintage fashion properly
Anyway, i then decided to make my way up brick lane, distracted by countless vintage shops and here are just a few images of my favourite things and things that i think i would be happy to wear every day. More prints please :) I really liked the set up of "The Shop" on Cheshire street that has shelves full of vintage fabrics too as well as a vintage room. Oh and vintage heaven on Columbia Road which then led me on to.....
Jessie Chorley's shop, which if you have never been to, you must visit on 152 Columbia Road because it is a shop filled with wonderful ideas and storytelling. I especially liked the enamel name badges which are completely personal and beautifully made and if my secret santa is reading then this is a MAZZIVE hint!

So all in all, what a day and what an extreme amount of walking! Next time i will have to make more time to stop in one of the many many cake shops i walked past, ohhh how very tempting!

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