Sunday 24 March 2013

Pocket day

Today i have spent the morning making cats and castle pockets as there is only 2 weeks left before the market begins!!! J x

Saturday 16 March 2013


What a month! So I wanted to let you know that back in January time I applied for a stall at Cambridge market...and if by magic I was called up and asked to do just that! So ever since I have found myself extremely busy sewing and drawing and cutting and...well just getting on with creating a Jolly and Hodie stall to be proud of. My first stall is April 5th and I am only a little terrified that things with not be ready. Here is just a little sample of what it to come, perhaps a little unfinished right now, but on the way for sure. 

More updates soon I hope, but now I must get back to those cat pockets!!!
J x