Monday 18 February 2013

Peg Dolls!

Half term is here! So that means that classes are about and the best way to start any week is a 2 hour class making peg dolls. I think this last lady was my favourite, what. a. hat.
J x


Pancakes for brunch....that was a good sunday
J x

Friday 15 February 2013

Valentine treats

However much you like or dislike Valentines, getting treats halfway through February has got to be a good thing. I spent the afternoon making lemon shortbread for the people I work with, complete with edible glitter after finding this incredible pin lady cushion in a charity shop. She even has her own bag for her personal thimble. 
Oh and this hot water bottle cover was a treat that I was happy enough to give today. Definitely a fun craftanoon last week, and fun to mix lots of lovely florals. A present that i would quite happily have kept for myself..
J x 

Friday 8 February 2013

Production time

Jolly and Hodie is well under way with production. Today my very kind assistant help cut the dungarees and I cannot wait to see them all made up and ready to go. Cats and Castles is on the way
J x

Thursday 7 February 2013

Famous Cats

So I was just happily looking through Dalston Mill Fabrics when what should I find? Good old Ralph and Calvin (my boys) have only gone and made it onto some fabric. I have no idea when they commissioned this but I am quite proud of them.
J x

Claridges? Ok!

Last week I went on the most wonderful treat possible, afternoon tea at Claridges. With a tea menu of teas handpicked in Conrwall and as many perfect sandwiches as you like I cannot think of a better way to spend the afternoon.
J x

Friday 1 February 2013

The best board game of all time??

The balloon race is now I think my very favourite board game of all time. Flying through europe on hidden multicolour balloons, trying to sabotage others and forgetting to win....What a game!