Tuesday 30 August 2011

Wedding Gifts

A couple of weeks ago i was a very proud bridesmaid and to say thank you to the lovely Annabel I pressed the petals from my posy and saved the hem from one of the bridesmaids dresses. And then once all embroidered together i made a couple of notebooks, i am very excited to post these :)

Friday 26 August 2011

What to do with lemons??

Oh just about anything according to Elle from 1975

Coffee Macaroon Making

Macarons/Macaroons??? Oh i am thoroughly confused now about which is which. Anyway more importantly today i tried my first batch and they ended up being super mini, but this way they are definitely easier to eat. These are not going to last long....
note to self:need new piping bag

The Golden Swans!!

What a find, what a treat, 2 golden swans good enough for me to eat :)

Wednesday 24 August 2011

Tempting car boot sale stall..

I don't quite know how i left this green 70s full on fringed dress at that stall...and a sequined waistcoat too! Sometimes you just have to walk away

Best bar ever

Well perhaps.....I nearly forgot about this little treat in France where a bar had decided to cover the entire inside walls with red shiny plastic, and some fake snow on the ceiling, hello grotto plans

Friday 19 August 2011

Let's be swans :)

Inspired by my new Limoge pottery golden swans I found in France (photo will come soon) I have just made myself a Swan top, ohhhh I am excited to wear it already. Listening to Desert Island discs as i finish this off too....can't quite believe Cath Kidston turns over 50 million a year....wow

This guy is clever

Just found this guy online who makes things from fusing together layers of plastic bags, ahhhh I really want one of the pencil cases. Do I risk trying it out myself, hello melted plastic bag iron, eep.
J x

Thursday 18 August 2011

Super cool Suitcase

Ohhh i want this clever suitcase complete with draws and filled with crotchet treats


How do they do it??? no really..wow

C'est chic?


French Brocantes and French Cats :)

Oh wow I apologise for the huge delay in between posts but I am back! From a 2 week adventure in the south of France finding many flea market treasures and eating pistachio ice creams. Here are a few images of some favourite things I saw and enjoyed. This lovely cat in particular just popped his head out from a huge display of 60s clothes, what more could I ask for??Jx