Wednesday 23 March 2011

Thank you John!!!

Thank you John from J&B sewing machines, the most helpful sales person i have ever spoken to. I was trying to find a binding foot for our machine and literally the day after i ordered it, voila! There it was and its the best toy ever. Best get finishing some clothes at last, just so instant and wonderful.

Holly on holiday...eeeek

So Holly has now flown off to Morocco but i am going to be a super sewer while she is away so we can really get started on making this ready to sell and share with people properly. In the picture above you can see some of the patchwork coming together but also some pintucking too for a little extra treat. Because more is more with this, lots of print and lots of pieces. I have to say i am learning lots about each pattern and i have to remember to write everything down!! Oh and boys and girls dungarees, currently my favourite :)

Monday 21 March 2011


Holly left me bright and early this morning to sew, and thats exactly what i did. Waistcoat- finished the silly ironing and armholes, Coolottes- made and done! Box pleat dress- made and done! Patchwork Shirt- Made and done!!!! (a little sneak preview here) I worked like a machine and was just about to start some more until.....I realised i was completely exhausted, perhaps best to just make myself a hot chocolate :)

P.S Holly is off to Morocco, noooooooooooooooooooo. Its ok its only a week!

Sunday 20 March 2011


It's a sunday, it's starting to get springy, it must be time for car boot sales :) At last they are back and this morning Holly kindly dropped me off while she had to go work like a little beaver. And this is just a little bit of what i found. Lots of thread, a bargain at about 20p per reel, plus lots of colourful trimmings too. Can't wait for next sunday already...

Crafty mothers

Now when i learnt to pattern cut i didn't realise that meant i was then to be on call to make patterns for my mum for very important fabric teacups. If i find when i get back home that she has in fact made one i shall have to post it. Here we have what i sent her just a couple of days ago, it just very exciting to send post really.

Thursday 17 March 2011

Sneak Preview....

4 and 2 halves sewn....this is going to take a little while, and with only 4 days till we both go on well deserved holidays.....we better get sewing.


Ok so it may seem like everything here is happening at once, but thats because it is! One day cutting, then the next..SEW SEW SEW! First of all everything seems to go wrong with the overlocker slowly waking up, see the picture for how many attempts it took holly to fix it!

Oh and we have a little mascot who sits on our machine. A little reminder this collection is most definitely supposed to be about all things fun. (His name is Ben)

Toffee and Tea

For a little energy boost....however too much toffee WILL make you dizzy.fact.

Our new studio...

Our very own Bamboo hut thanks to Hollys wonderfully eccentric parents. It's only March yet the sunshine is out and this is actually the most perfect space to cut out in. Perhaps not entirely warm but with secret bamboo heating, anything is possible. I could definitely get used to this.

Oh plus a little look at some of the patchwork sections, so exciting to see things happening already!

A suitcase of treasures

Right ok this is it, time to start cutting the real fabrics and making some real clothes. Patterns all sorted and fixed, thanks to some real life measurements making sense of things. Now the fun part...some colourful mess

Sunday 13 March 2011

Thursday 10 March 2011

Toiling time

3 Toiles sewn and a lot of learning too. I left holly making patterns whilst i made up the initial shapes for the collection. Through this i am trying to figure out the best proportions for the garments as you really only see things in 3D even if its just bed sheets... Think i have overworked holly with some late night pressing and fabric cutting but she should not have given up chocolate for lent so easily!

Also its so easy to forget when designing to work out how to actually get into the garment!! Dear me today i think we have thought through nearly every possibility but plackets were the answer and below is a little look at what i ended up with, through tried and tested mock ups. They will be my friend if i practice.

Oh and just a little sneak preview of the designs, be back very soon, J x


12 Patterns down, and still going. As this is our first childrenswear collection we are learning new things everyday. We are both very used to making womenswear but this is a brand new game

Proportions are a little confusing but we hope with some fittings at the weekend, all should make a lot more sense. Still.. lots of lovely envelopes filled with fresh new patterns, ready to sew sew sew.

Monday 7 March 2011

Ladybird Ladybird why are you hiding?

It all began on a thursday afternoon......

Jolly got her train down to Bath and then the trouble began.
Time to mix up those ideas and voila a moodboard! Ready for some sunshine pattern cutting. But when the patterning gets a little too much, time for baking. Because it all about a bit of balance, Work Hard, Bake Hard.

Good evening sunshines, and welcome to our new blog filled with all the excitement of our new collection! We thought the best way to begin was to show you exactly what we are up to right from the start processes because clothes are not just the finished project, but all the wonderful design and inspiration that happens throughout.
See you again very soon
J & H